Dr Joseph Leung
Dr. Joseph Leung has been strongly engaging in the information technology (IT) industry for over 35 years and in the Higher Education for over 16 years. His wide-ranging experience in corporate development has led him to various senior management positions in both private organizations and professional institutes. He is currently the Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association; Vice Chair of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (HK); Alternate Director of the Joint Mediation Helpdesk Online (JMHO); Honorary Adviser of Unwire.hk & Unwire.pro; Director of Corporate Development of AsiaPay; which is one of the leading online payment gateway services in Asia, he also serves as the Panel Member for Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (ADNDRC); Member of Steering Committee on Mediation and its Regulatory Framework Sub-committee of Department of Justice, HKSARG; Lecturer of School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Last but not the least, he is also the Charter President of Rotary Club of Central Harbourfront in Rotary International District 3450. 梁偉峯博士 (Joseph) 一直致力於資訊科技行業超過35年,現正擔任有著名電子付款AsiaPay企業顧問、著名網絡傳媒Unwire顧問及香港理工大學專業進修學院講師。他亦擔任香港零售科技商會副會長、香港互聯網論壇副會長、特許仲裁學會(東亞分會)委員、聯合調解專線辦事處董事會成員,及創立國際扶輪3450地區中環海濱扶輪社,成為創社社長;早前更被香港特別行政區律政司邀請加入調解督導委員會參與規管框架工作。